Dental Bridges Gulf Breeze, FL
Replace a Missing Tooth Today!
See how a dental bridge can restore your smile! Bridges are appliances that replace missing, removed or lost teeth. Each appliance can replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth in a row. Our dentist can help you decide whether a dental bridge is the right choice for you!
What Are Dental Bridges?
Dental bridges appliances have three main parts: the artificial tooth (or teeth) and two dental crowns. These crowns are placed over the top of the neighboring teeth, anchoring the appliance. A bridge is a “fixed” restoration, which means it (unlike dentures) cannot be removed. Usually, the appliance can be placed in just two visits. For information on planning a dental bridge in Gulf Breeze, Florida, contact Star Smiles Dentistry at 850-934-3408.
Bridges can help patient’s smiles and improve:
- Your ability to eat and chew normally
- An uneven bite
- Lost shape or volume in the face
- The overall look of your smile
- The alignment of neighboring teeth
Bridges can also replace old restorations, such as a partial denture. With a fixed dental bridge, patients no longer have to worry about taking out and cleaning their appliance. For more information on dental bridges, consult with Dr. Nisarg Parikh.